Meet our new Division Manager, Tom Joerger

Someone once said, “time spent on hiring is time well spent”. That statement could not be truer about our newest team member, Tom Joerger.  We are excited to welcome Tom as a division manager focusing on divisional strategy, product development, marketing, sales, and distribution.  Most of his experience comes from within the FinTech and Healthcare IT industries where he worked across software implementation, marketing, project management, consulting, and process improvement.

Not only is he an awesome asset to our team, but he is also a loving husband and father to 3 beautiful daughters with one on the way! To get to know Tom better, we asked him a few fun and personal questions.

Welcome to the Kompass Funding Team Tom!

  1. Where are you from originally?

Garfield, Minnesota (Population: 281)

  1. What do you miss most about Minnesota, and do you have a favorite lake?

I miss being in the country and having the ability to go fishing and hunting whenever I want. Lake Union is probably my favorite lake because it’s a small lake that can only be accessed by going through a channel. It is really close to where I grew up so my dad and I would go fishing on that lake a lot. There was only one house on the lake and was surrounded by fields so it was very peaceful, a little slice of heaven.

  1. What would your last supper be?

Steak and potatoes with my Grandma’s lemon meringue pie for dessert, topped off with a tall glass of Whole milk (don’t judge me).

  1. How many children do you have?

3 girls and a little one on the way (we don’t know the gender yet; we’ll find out when the baby is born 😊)

  1. With 3 little girls and 1 on the way, what do you do to relax?

Relaxing is a relative term for me, but I do I take cat naps, watch TV with my wife and occasionally golf. I’m weird in that I mow lawns and work on my house as another form of relaxation.

  1. What was your favorite childhood cereal?

Kix, because they are “kid tested, and mother approved.”

  1. What’s your go-to pump up song?

Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It – It’s a long story but this will get me moving every time.

  1. What’s your favorite and least favorite sport to watch and why?

Favorite sport to watch is Football. Why: I played in college, and it’s the ultimate team sport. Everyone needs to be working together to be successful. Least favorite to watch is Soccer. Why: I don’t understand it, it’s too slow and the rules are weird. I will say, I went to a KC Sporting game and it was pretty fun, great atmosphere.

  1. What was the last book you read? What the Heck is EOS?
  2. What’s the best advice you ever received?

My dad always said: “When doing a job, be looking for things you can do to help, without being asked to do them.” and “If you’re going to do a job, do it right.” Since then, I’ve tried to expand beyond “work” to find things I can do to help my wife, family, friends, coworkers, etc. and do it 100%. I find most people won’t ask for help but if you jump in and help, they will appreciate it. It’s not always easy, fun, or convenient but usually pays off in the end.

  1. Where was your favorite place you’ve ever traveled?

Germany/Austria/Switzerland – I spent two weeks traveling Germany mostly but visited Austria and Switzerland as well. I love German food and beer, not to mention I am mostly of German descent, so this was right in my wheelhouse. On top of all that, the landscape and architecture is amazing. There are so many memories I will not forget. I highly recommend everyone go.

  1. What are you most excited about joining Kompass Funding?

Working with a talented small group of folks. Coming in at the ground-level of a startup, creating a new funding option for suppliers and building something awesome. There is so much potential in a space with high demand.